Cloud Computing


In this post, I am just going to talk a little bit about what Salesforce is, some features and benefits I thought would be helpful in getting to know Salesforce and why is it so important for businesses. Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage and automate various sales, customer …

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In the previous post, I described how I started thinking about getting a Salesforce certification and the resources I used to get started. One great resource you can use is Trailhead. So, what is Trailhead, you ask? Imagine a beautiful hiking trail (hence the name) with stunning views, a gentle breeze, and plenty of exciting …

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Cloud Monitoring and Management

Cloud monitoring and management are ways to keep track of and control the resources you’re using in the cloud. When you use cloud computing services, you’re essentially renting resources from a provider. This means that you’re not responsible for maintaining the physical infrastructure, but you are responsible for using the resources effectively and efficiently. Cloud …

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Load Balancing in Cloud Computing

In cloud computing, load balancing is a technique used to distribute incoming network traffic across multiple servers. The purpose of load balancing is to improve the availability and scalability of web applications by ensuring that no single server is overwhelmed by too much traffic. This helps to improve the performance and reliability of web applications …

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Elasticity and scalability

Elasticity and scalability are two key concepts in cloud computing that allow businesses to adjust their computing resources in real-time based on their changing needs. These concepts are fundamental to the cloud computing paradigm and are essential for achieving cost savings, high availability, and optimal performance. Elasticity Elasticity is the ability of a cloud computing …

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High Availability and Fault Tolerance

In cloud computing, high availability and fault tolerance are two critical concepts that ensure that your applications and data are always available and accessible. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to different aspects of cloud computing. High Availability High availability is a measure of the system’s ability to remain operational and accessible, …

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