Resources to help you learn AWS

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In my previous post, I shared a little bit about the beginning of my cloud computing journey, and what I did to finally pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam and received my certification and badge. In this post, I will be sharing the resources I used and the order I used them. This certification did take me a good month because I wanted to take my time and understand the services.

The first resource I used was the Ultimate AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner – 2023 from Stephane Maarek. The course is constantly updated and complete with videos and quizzes. It is a paid resource but if you keep an eye on Udemy, they constantly have sales going on that will give you the opportunity to buy this course for $13.99 to $20.99. It is worth it!

After that, I went over the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials from AWS Skill Builder website. This is a free resource and it was a good refresher for me after Stephane’s course. After that, to give a little bit of hands-on experience (not that you need it for the AWS CPP) the AWS Cloud Quest which is a game that will let build basic cloud solutions using AWS services. You will learn about AWS Cloud concepts, security concepts, common use cases, billing and pricing models, and business impacts.

Finally, the last resource I used was also a course from Udemy AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams from Neal Davis. Also really helpful and updated constantly. This helped me get a feeling of how it is to sit for the exam at the same length and helped me keep my time under the time limit.

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